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Brinemo za Vašu privatnost

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  • Davanjem suglasnosti, dopuštate da FERRING Pharmaceuticals d.o.o. Beograd-Stari Grad i njene pridružene kompanije čuvaju i obrađuju Vaše podatke, uključujući Vašu email adresu, broj mobilnoga telefona i poslovnu adresu, u sklopu svoje baze podataka klijenata.

    Ovi osobni podaci mogu se koristiti s ciljem da Vam budu dostavljene relevantne Vijesti, istraživački i edukativni materijali u sklopu Vaše oblasti specijalizacije, za unapređenje Vašega korisničkog iskustva, unapređenje naših proizvoda, za svrhe PR i oglašavanja i upravljanja našim poslovnim odnosom. Neki od dostavljenih materijala mogu biti promotivne prirode.

    Maksimalno razdoblje čuvanja Vaših podataka iznosit će 10 godina. Ferring Pharmaceuticals International SA i njene pridružene kompanije osigurati će da Vaša email adresa, broj mobilnog telefona i poslovna adresa budu korišteni isključivo za razmjenu materijala koje Ferring drži primjerenim, bitnim i Važnim za Vas.

    Ukoliko ste suglasni da se informacije koje dajete mogu koristiti na navedeni način, obrada Vaših podataka će se obaviiti u sklopu s Važećim zakonom i 'Obavijesti o upravljanju odnosima s klijentima u pogledu zaštite osobnosti' (CRM Obavijest o osobnosti) koje se nalazi na donjem linku.

    Ukoliko želite da u bilo kome trenutku prestanete dobivati ove informacije, molimo, pratite instrukcije na posljednjem emailu potvrde koju dobivate od kompanije Ferring Pharmaceuticals ili pogledajte Obavijest o upravljanju odnosa s klijentima u zaštiti osobnosti re.ferring.com/crm-privacy-hr.

    Preporučamo da pročitate i konsultirate Obavijest o upravljanju odnosa s klijentima glede zaštite osobnosti koje se nalazi na re.ferring.com/crm-privacy-hr ili u prilogu emaila potvrde.

Cette page n'est pas destinée aux patients ou au grand public. Elle est uniquement destinée à être utilisée par les professionnels de la santé ayant une relation professionnelle avec Ferring France


Ik bevestig dat ik een professionele zorgverlener ben of een zakelijke relatie heb met Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


Ta strona nie jest przeznaczona dla pacjentów ani dla ogółu odwiedzających. Ta strona stworzona jest dla pracowników sektora ochrony zdrowia pozostających w relacjach biznesowych z firmą Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


Эта страница не предназначена для пациентов или для широкой публики. Она предназначена только для медицинских работников.


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta únicamente destinada a ser usada por profesionales sanitarios con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


Esta página não se destina a doentes nem ao público em geral. Destina-se apenas a profissionais de saúde que mantêm uma relação comercial com a Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Ця сторінка не призначена для пацієнтів або широкого загалу. Вона розроблена виключно для медичних працівників, які мають ділові стосунки з Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


Această pagină nu este concepută pentru pacienți sau pentru publicul larg. Este creată doar pentru utilizare de către profesioniști în domeniul sănătății care au o relație de afaceri cu Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Diese Seite ist nicht für Patienten oder die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt. Sie ist nur für Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe bestimmt, die eine Geschäftsbeziehung mit der Ferring Arzneimittel GmbH unterhalten.


Az oldal nem betegeknek, vagy nagyközönségnek szól. Az oldalt kizárólag a Ferring Magyarország céggel üzleti kapcsolatban álló egészségügyi szakemberek használhatják.


Diese Seite enthält Informationen über verschreibungspflichtige Arzneimittel und ist nicht für Patienten oder die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt. Sie ist gemäß Heilmittelwerbegesetz (HWG) nur für Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe zugänglich.


Trang này không dành cho bệnh nhân hoặc cộng đồng chung. Nó chỉ được sử dụng cho các Nhân viên Y tế có mối quan hệ kinh doanh với Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Bu sayfa, hastalar ya da halkın geneli için değildir. Ferring İlaç San.ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. ile bir iş ilişkisi içinde bulunan sağlık çalışanlarının kullanımına özeldir.


Denne side er ikke beregnet til patienter eller almenheden. Den skal kun bruges af sundhedspersonale med et forretningsforhold til Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


See leht ei ole mõeldud patsientidele ega tavatarbijatele. See on mõeldud kasutamiseks ainult elukutselistele tervishoiutöötajatele, kellel on ärisuhe ettevõttega Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


Šī lapa nav paredzēta pacientiem vai plašākai sabiedrībai. Tā ir paredzēta lietošanai tikai veselības aprūpes speciālistiem.


Šis puslapis nėra skirtas ligoniams ar visuomenei. Jis skirtas išimtinai sveikatos priežiūros specialistams.


Tätä sivua ei ole tarkoitettu potilaille tai yksityisille henkilöille. Se on tarkoitettu vain terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten käyttöön, jotka tekevät yhteistyötä Ferring Lääkkeet Oy:n kanssa.


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Denna sida är inte avsedd för patienter eller allmänheten. Den är endast avsedd att användas av befattingshavare inom Hälso- och sjukvården och som har en affärsrelation med Ferring Läkemedel AB.


Ta stran ni namenjena pacientom ali splošni javnosti. Namenjena je le zdravstvenim delavcem v poslovnem odnosu s Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Ova stranica nije namijenjena pacijentima ili opštoj javnosti. Namijenjena je isključivo za korištenje od strane zdravstvenih radnika


Ova stranica nije namenjena pacijentima i opštoj javnosti. Ona je namenjena da se koristi od strane zdravstvenih radnika koji saradjuju sa kompanijom Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Ova stranica nije namijenjena pacijentima ili širokoj javnosti. Namijenjena je isključivo za korištenje zdravstvenih radnika


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta únicamente destinada a ser usada por profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Laboratorios Ferring


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Cette page n'est pas destinée aux patients ou au grand public. Elle est uniquement destinée à être utilisée par les professionnels de la santé ayant une relation professionnelle avec Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Cette page n'est pas destinée aux patients ou au grand public. Elle est uniquement destinée à être utilisée par les professionnels de la santé ayant une relation professionnelle avec Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Cette page n'est pas destinée aux patients ou au grand public. Elle est uniquement destinée à être utilisée par les professionnels de la santé ayant une relation professionnelle avec Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Esta página não se destina a pacientes ou público em geral. Ela se destina apenas a profissionais de saúde que possuem uma relação comercial com a Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Cette page n'est pas destinée aux patients ou au grand public. Elle est uniquement destinée à être utilisée par les professionnels de la santé ayant une relation commerciale avec Ferring AG


Diese Seite enthält Informationen über verschreibungspflichtige Arzneimittel und ist nicht für Patienten oder die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt. Sie ist gemäß Heilmittelwerbegesetz (HWG) nur für Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe zugänglich, die eine Geschäftsbeziehung mit der Ferring AG unterhalten


Deze pagina is niet bedoeld voor patiënten of het grote publiek. Het is alleen bedoeld voor gebruik door professionele zorgverleners die een zakelijke relatie hebben met Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Está únicamente destinada a ser usada por profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


Halaman ini tidak ditujukan untuk pasien atau anggota masyarakat umum. Ini hanya dimaksudkan untuk digunakan oleh profesional di bidang kesehatan yang memiliki hubungan dengan Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals.


Cette page n'est pas destinée aux patients ou au grand public. Elle est uniquement destinée à être utilisée par les professionnels de la santé ayant une relation professionnelle avec Ferring Pharmaceutiques.


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Denne siden er ikke beregnet på pasienter eller publikum. Det er kun ment å brukes av helsepersonell med forretningsforhold til Ferring Legemidler


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals


Esta página no está dirigida a pacientes o público general. Esta dirigida exclusivamente a profesionales de la salud con una relación profesional con Ferring Pharmaceuticals


This page is not intended for patients or members of the general public. It is only intended to be used by healthcare professionals with a business relationship with Ferring Pharmaceuticals